The Essential Marketing Workshop
Business success comes from knowing your customer, understanding what makes them tick and how to get your message direct to them. If you don’t really know who you are selling to, how can you sell to them?
This workshop will help you to understand your market, target your message and communicate effectively with your customers. We will take you through the step-by-step process which culminates in a report that provides your business with the ‘Marketing Essentials’ that will ensure every marketing dollar is spent wisely.
We will guide you through the process in a workshop which will cover:
- Identifying your target market
- Establishing buyer motivation
- Developing key marketing messages
- Recommending the best communication channels to get to your markets.
Branding Workshop
Your brand is the story of your business. It sets you apart, and is your opportunity to tell your customers what’s different about you. If you don’t believe in your brand, neither will they!
Platinum Mix’ Branding Workshops are an opportunity for everyone in your business to get on board and involved in developing your brand. The workshops will ensure you have a strong brand that creates trust and makes emotional connections with your customer making their buying decision easier. It’s all about value, perceived benefits and immediate distinction from your competitors.
Optimising Your Lead Conversion Workshop
This workshop is a collaboration between the marketing expertise of Platinum Mix and the sales experience of M&Co Collective.
Together, we deliver the “OPTIMISING YOUR LEAD CONVERSION“ workshop which consolidates leads theory and consumer behaviour, with practical business processes that empower your sales team to become a cohesive face of your business.
Our workshops re-enforce fundamental sales theory and provide practical advice on implementing solid lead and sales conversion processes into your business. Your sales team will strengthen to maintain a consistent and methodical approach to:
- identify opportunities,
- qualifying prospect communication,
- nurturing the lead, and
- follow up to closing the deal.
Establishing a pathway for your sales team to achieve maximum potential and positive results for your business.
Call us today on 9380 6929 to discuss how your business, large or small, can benefit from Platinum Mix’ outsourced marketing services